Tuesday, March 31, 2009

two classics and the new guy...

well kids, spring is here (i'm sure it will stop snowing any day now) and we all know what that means...
it means it's time to get on your bike and ride! not just those blue lipped, white knuckled, dr. zhivago commutes through the arctic wastes but actual rides where you can, you know, enjoy yourself. crazy right?
here's the skinny, we've got three no-drop rides to pick from this year;
first off there is our always popular women's casual ride, ride what you brung, the idea is fun. every monday evening at 6:00pm starting april 13th, meet up at the minnehaha shop and bring a helmet.
next up there is our long running women's road ride, 15-20 miles, faster paced and road bikes are recommended. same deal as the casual ride, meet up at the minnehaha shop 6:00 pm every monday staring the 13th of april and bring yo' brain bucket.
last up is the new kid in town, we're calling it the "quiver picker". here's the idea, over the course of the next few months we are gong to try to build fitness, skills and confidence for you wonderful folks by offering a set of rides that get longer and more challenging as the season gets on. we call it the "quiver picker" because the early rides will be pretty flat and about 15 miles or so so if you want a challenge on 'em pick a non-road bike from your quiver (that's nerdy cyclist slang for your bikes). the rides are open to anyone and are no-drop but the emphasis is going to be on longer rides at a brisk pace, cruisers are not recommended unless you're an ex-pro who likes to show off. these are going to start the week of the 13th, go here for more.

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